Business Start-ups

Setting up a new business is exciting and challenging. Creating the right impression will be critical to your success. We can offer you an affordable professional start-up package tailored to what you need to get started.

Starting up is a long term process. Please remember to achieve brand consistency for each step you take. Don't rush. Start with the basics, then move forward as cash flow allows. Ideas will change and evolve as you grow.

TIP: When deciding on a name, keep it short, memorable and check a domain name is available. You can always use a strapline to say what you do. Word-of-mouth recommendations and google searches are so much easier when you can remember and spell a name. Keep it simple.

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Fine Design Business start up icon Let us help you go from idea to 'I did it'.
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branding for start-ups

Logo development, social media identity & literature

Branding icon

Your logo is the first piece of the puzzle, the element that will define you and your business. Social media is free but get the look right from the start with professional help. Business cards are an inexpensive, underestimated tool and email signatures are a necessity.

Vehicle livery, signage
& corporate clothing

Vehicle Livery, Signage and corporate clothing Icon

Your online visibility is essential for all businesses. But for some, your vehicle, signage or corporate clothing will be your most crucial advertisement. Achieving brand consistency from the start will play a significant role in your success.

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Website design,
development & SEO

Website Design icon

You can get started by using social media channels, but you will need a website with search engine optimisation (SEO) as your business grows. A poorly designed website can undo all your hard work. You can always start with just a single page then develop as your cash flow allows.

  • Barn Farm Drinks Logo
  • Wrights Tools logo
  • Wave window cleaning
  • Hereward community rail partnership logo

Our experienced team will help you achieve brand consistency across all media. Our studio is based in the Fenland market town of March, Cambridge, UK, but we work with clients worldwide. Our aim is to be seen as a trusted extension to your marketing efforts.

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Fine Design - Single page website for startup companies
Website Design & Build

You can get started with just a single holding page. It's somewhere you can point your customers to when advertising your web address on social media channels, business cards and vehicles.

As you advance, Fine Design Ltd can create bespoke websites from start to finish, including portfolio websites, e-commerce, WordPress themes/plugins, software integration, UX design, analytics, SEO and app development.

We want to help you grow.

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